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October 26, 2004


Ignacho Lopecaste

Ay que guapo el sapo! muy GQ... Parece portada de la ¡Alarma! -"Atrapado por su propia desdicha; A Daniel Lopez Caste se lo encontrarón matando al chango a machetazos." no mameis en tempestad de sequia cabron. Tomate otra foto.


Orale!!! que hombre!! Too bad you're my cousin.... ouch!
...yeah right, just kitting. Well, but you still know you're cute.
Ponte a trabajar y dejate de ser un Metro-sexual


Heheh, hey man, looking good! Great site you have hear, real impressed with you :D So whats up in Cali? Cant wait to come back, its already dark in Finland at 17:00 :/


Well it's about damn time! Where's your teeth? Why so dressed up? I like the hair.


You are definitely braver than me. No pics of me on my blog until at least another ten pounds are gone...

Not bad! ;-)


You got that funny "Dont take a picture of me look" on your face.

But you also look like the people who go to your house on Saturday morning to talk to you about God and Salvation.

Dont forget to vote!



Gosh! I am blushing* Thank you Mary! I was a little hesitant to posting up the picture but my friend managed to convince me to post it up.


Hey, I'm an ex-Catholic too! Now a unitarian, though I don't like organized religion in general. Anyway, like the pic. You're brave and handsome!


You are a brave soul to post your picture! I was raised RC, too. It's a complex religion.

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