Yesterday I had planned out to have lunch with some friends. Two of them are really good friends of mine who I am very fond of. It had been a while since we had our little congregational sessions. However, this last one was one that left me a bit bemused.
As conversation went on someone (I honestly forgot who) brought up the notion that, "Women" are not capable of assuming political occupations. Gosh! If anything I admire the fact that a woman's endeavor is indeed political. I can't believe one of 'em had the audacity to say something like that. I totally disagreed with them and claimed that a woman is without a doubt capable of becoming president. Heck, Margaret Thatcher was prime minister of England. Although I thought the lady was too far off the right, I am happy that a woman was placed in such a high position. We are progressing. However, it saddens me to hear this kind of chauvinist gibberish. I said to myself, "Gosh! If this is the way men feel then life is definitely devaluing day by day!".
I really do believe that women bring a balance to everything. I think that women help shape a man's life in some way. The majority of Women, without question are far more passive than men. Mentally speaking, I do think they have the patience to handle tense and crucial situations. Women perspire love without any hesitation. I should know because my mother does just that. Those are just my sincere thoughts.
If Hillary Clinton ever does decide to run for the highest seat, then she can count on my vote. I wonder if that day will ever come though?
Until then, get the beers in!
A woman can hold any position, as long as there are no idiots in office. Osea... Lamujer puede hacer lo que le de la "rechingada gana" siempre y cuando no existan idiotas al cargo. Onthe other side of the tortilla; There is also something called the "crabs in the bucket syndrome" tha for some reason affects women. It seems that the ones that have managed to climb out of the bucket have less DEAD weight pulling then the unfortunate ones left behind. Let's talk about Margie Thatcher... It took big innertia (pa los que no saben de que chingados estoy hablando: HUEVOS) to go all the way to the tip of SA (Sud America para los analfabetos) and end the Faulking that the Argentinians were in the process of Malveriando. IT'S SAD that the US of A, took a "FAR-last row in the theatre SEAT, and did SHIT about it." Is there descrimination of Lexicons o Qué. Porque los Argentinos están güeritos también?
Ya me voy y se los dejo de tarea...
se lo lavan...
Posted by: todos me conocen | November 14, 2004 at 07:47 PM
I don't like margaret thatcher..... she participated in the war against argentina for the little flakland islands....hate her......
Posted by: Deborah | November 11, 2004 at 12:50 PM
I will be attending Cal state LA. However, I am going to see if I can get in to Cal state Fullerton. I'd rather be as far away from home as possible. My mother is driving me nuts!
Posted by: Daniel | September 28, 2004 at 08:51 PM
You need to come up to Austin and hang with us! What school will you be attending?
Posted by: Michelle | September 15, 2004 at 05:15 PM
While I did enjoy your blog on women's political aspirations - I think you should put up a bigger picture. I can barely see your face! :)
Posted by: Alex. | September 14, 2004 at 01:34 AM
Thank you! Wow! It's such an honor to get that from a woman. You definitely made my day. However, this is only the beginning of my feminist crusade. As I will be continuing my education at a different school, I'll be in search of more feminist wisdom.
Posted by: Daniel M | September 11, 2004 at 03:09 PM
Feminist points for you! I'm glad that you stood up for women, and not just to seem liberal, but because of your beliefs. Next time someone says that men are pigs, I'll have to step in!
Posted by: Mary | September 11, 2004 at 07:51 AM