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September 28, 2004



I know exactly how you feel bro which is why I rarely tell these mfs sometimes if Im even 'talking' to anyone at the moment.


me parece que las mujeres tambien hablamos de esas cosas y la sincera verdad la mujeres ya nos revelamos como para andar preocupandonos por esos chismes... tiene que ver con el nivel de madurez de una persona... si una persona te pregunta este tipo de preguntas y no le contestas creo que esa persona algun dia va a dejar de hacerte este tipo de preguntas... pero como vos mismo dijiste que antes participaste en este tipo de chismes, entonces te va tomar un poco de tiempo antes de que te dejen de bombardear con preguntas sobre algo que todos hacemos... que preguntas eh!!


Females are tougher than you think. Talking about sex goes on at ALL ages, and girls (of all ages) ask the same questions of each other.

If you don't want to discuss it, change the subject: "Oh, that reminds me of..."


Well, what is inappropriate about it to me is how it is frequently used in the context to which you refer--amongst friends/aquaintances. Regardless of the terminology, it is just rude for them to ask what you are getting. However, in private, don't be surprised if you hear a chick (screw being too politically correct, it's boring) say "Hit it good" or "Now you're hittin' it", etc. Seriously. Don't you love it when I talk dirty? ; -)

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