A question, which was asked in my critical thinking class the other day. It is a good question, which will ensue an immeasurable amount of brain cracks.
The first major problem we need to fix is the way we treat one another. We need to respect each other’s ideals and culture. The only way to improve our living is if we stop fighting each other. We have got to remember we are only ordinary men. George W Bush and Daniel Marquez are not too different. The only difference is he has more money and power and I am just a humble college student who thinks critically. One may ask how we will begin to treat one another humanely? We should all be taught to be respectful to one another. If this country decides to teach our children about all the catastrophic mistakes we have done, then we will be able to recognize the damage we have caused to humanity and the people of different ethnic backgrounds. We need to do what the Germans did after WWII, which was to systematically teach the German youth about the dark side of German history not just their accomplishments. Examples such as the terrorist genocide carried out against Native Americans. The extremely oppressed enslavement of the peoples of Africa. The internal slave trade that developed within the United States in the early eighteenth century and brutally tore families apart at the auction block. The imperialistic and unjust ceasing of Mexican land after provoking an illegitimate war. All this needs to be exposed. Once this is taught, a sense of humility instead of blind patriotism will be instilled in our youth.
Nuclear proliferation is also a major problem. If you take a historical perspective of human civilization, you will begin to realize that the same themes repeat throughout history. One such theme is man’s inhumanity to man. One way this theme is carried out is through the eventual downfall of any ruling class that has ever existed. This downfall often occurs in a very violent manner. The French revolution, the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs, Bolshevik revolution, the fall of the Roman Empire. So I ask, what will happen when eventually a ruling class which has nuclear weapons is threatened with destruction. How many times can a peaceful change of ruling class occur. With the proliferation of nuclear weapons, one would think that eventually a ruling class would use them without discrimination. To solve this problem we will have to rid ourselves of this nuclear stupidity all together. In order for this to happen we need to become a global community that trusts and respects each other instead of exploiting and being intolerant towards each other.
The battle between love and hate is ultimately what it’s all about. What’s on the side of love? Peace, free will, balance, true democracy harmony with nature, empathy, respect, communication, equality, harmony with people of different cultures/ethnicities, open mindedness, humility, generosity, compassion. What’s on the side of hate: War, fascism, greed, bigotry, repression, oppression, racial discrimination, ego-centrism, the destruction of the environment, control. We must focus on learning to trust each other. In order to reach Balance we need to get rid of ego and become critical thinkers that seek truth through understanding. We must learn how to love, and forget how to hate.
wow your totally right.For so long i've been trying to help the world one step at a time.Either by donating cloths or giving homeless people money when i wlk pass them in the street.One of my dreams is to be in my childrens history books.Or to write a book that will oneday set the path for others.How can I do that I have the inspiration but no ideas.Please help me.
Posted by: Angel | January 11, 2008 at 06:01 PM
wow your totally right.For so long i've been trying to help the world one step at a time.Either by donating cloths or giving homeless people money when i wlk pass them in the street.One of my dreams is to be in my childrens history books.Or to write a book that will oneday set the path for others.How can I do that I have the inspiration but no ideas.Please help me.
Posted by: Angel | January 11, 2008 at 06:01 PM
Posted by: DIANA | June 28, 2007 at 07:14 PM
Just stopping in for a sec. Supposed to be hard at work right now, but I'll be back. :)
Posted by: Leslie | August 19, 2004 at 04:13 AM
To Ira:
Ira, I read your response and thanks for your willingness to open a "dialogue" on a very interesting subject. (Hopefully this is sweet and civil for all of you as I have received many a hate mail regarding rude and "negative" behavior). Listen dear chap, racism is a red- herring, much like communism was during the Cold War. We are in the 21st Century correct? So, where is this evil bogeyman called racism. I see many Hispanic, African American, Asian, Eastern European kids and adults enrolled in American Schools. This is FACT. The Cal State University system has a high number of Hispanic and African American student population. So, where is the racism. They have jobs and some don't like many people from various cultures. This is a FACT. It's easy to place blame on others for your own failures. Hell,I may try it as it seems in vogue. So, please define racism for me. Is it the racism that I see against Asians in Southern California. An article in the LA Times last sunday stated that there were too many Asians in the City of San Gabriel. The Hispanics interviewed for the article stated that the Asians were taking over. What the hell is up with that? Hispanics don't like "racist" behavior perpetrated against Hispanics, but they will turn around and treat Asians in the same racist manner. FACT. So, the vicious cycle continues. What about the racist jokes about Armenians,Arabs, Russians, Serb-Croatians, Indians.These groups of people live here also. The racism against them is just as valid as the "racism" hispanics and blacks claim to experience. FACT.
On an individual level if a person decides to dress and act like a gangbanger then they must be willing to pay the consequences. Ira, gangs and the gang lifestyle are not cool and outright stupid. If you or anyone participates in this behavior you deserve to be treated with scorn and have rocks hurled at you. If Hispanics and African Americans are so worried about racism then why act like an idiot. Go to school, study, try to get a job and carry yourself in a way so that people will not doubt you. Acting and behavinglike a "thug" is asking for trouble and no one will take you seriously at work or at school. As for Bill Cosby, he marched for Civil Rights, Did you? Bill Cosby worked and paid his dues to get the money he has. Have you? It sounds like you're a bit jealous that he has "so much money". He worked for it and put the time in. Where is the problem? The Cos knows what's going on. If jail and drugs is the goal hispanics and blacks want to set for themselves then go ahead. They have no one to blame but themselves for the end result. Don't whine about being poor, being historically persecuted, etc. Take responsibiity. This liberal hogwash about "racism" is just that, hogwash. "Racism" is the new way to cripple minds and keep people from succeeding and excelling as human beings. There is alot of money to be made in the "racism industry". That's a FACT.
Posted by: Mark | August 03, 2004 at 09:39 AM
Daniel, e-mail me. I tried your link and it got kicked back to me...?
Posted by: Michelle | August 02, 2004 at 05:31 PM
To Mark as long as racism is a problem in this country Mr Cosby's
comments are out of line. Bill Cosby has to look no further than
himself as an example, why isn't
he an owner of a certain television network he tried to buy
a few years ago.
Posted by: Ira | August 02, 2004 at 10:47 AM
Well. The prior comment is the rudest one I have read ever. Wow. What hatred. What a nihilistic attitude. Mark must be a hoot to hang out with, that's for sure. Not.
Daniel, I was going to tell you that I enjoyed your post. My one critism is that you assumed that George Bush is capable of critical thinking. I'm not sure about that one. However, I am committed to teaching critical thinking skills at my school, whether they like it or not! I simply can't believe the number of middle school students who don't even understand or think about what they are pledging when they recite the Pledge of Allegance. There are so very many things that are not taught in our history books. How we present our aquisition of Mexican territory is a prime example. When I lived in Mexico, I got a whole 'nuther viewpoint!
I do confess to losing the faith sometimes regarding human nature. I wonder if love/hate is akin to yin/yang and is in itself a balance. I hope not, but I feel so hateful myself sometimes that I feel like a hypocrite when I talk about peace. So I try to get it out by fighting battles for people who don't have a voice. Focusing it, as opposed to blowing something up...
Thanks for the thoughtful post, and hey, the delete button is easy to find in Typepad. Critism is fine, but blatant disrespect should be discouraged in a civilized forum, methinks.
OT: I will never let my son get a tattoo as long as he is under my roof. Last year I had the unpleasant task of taking a friend to the hospital with a bad staph infection from one. He lost a chunk of his arm. Yuk. But clothes and hair, hey, no harm done.
Posted by: Michelle | July 28, 2004 at 07:45 PM